Eating disorder treatment at Nightingale Hospital

Eating disorder treatment involves monitoring a person’s physical health while helping them deal with the underlying psychological causes of their eating disorder. Recovery from an eating disorder is possible, and early intervention will generate more positive outcomes.

Nightingale Hospital London is dedicated to delivering individually tailored quality care for individuals aged 18 years and above. Our eating disorder treatments (whether for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder (BED) , or other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED) ) are all based on current clinical evidence.

Our multidisciplinary team is led by consultant psychiatrists, who are supported by ward doctors, specialist nurses, dietitians, and a specialist therapy team including psychologists, cognitive behavioural therapists, family therapists and occupational therapists.

At Nightingale Hospital, eating disorder treatment can be accessed as part of an outpatient, day patient or inpatient programme.

Nightingale Hospital has a Quality Eating Disorder accreditation, provided by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This means that when you’re seeking eating disorder treatment at ​​Nightingale Hospital, you can be sure that you will be receiving trusted and effective clinical care of the highest degree.

QED accredited eating disorders unit

We are also an accredited service by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

counselling and therapy london nightingale hospital




Our team is led by:

  • Dr Helen Murphy Lead Consultant for Eating Disorders, Consultant Psychiatrist

What happens in eating disorder treatment?

Your eating disorder team will work in partnership with you, helping you recover and reach your goals while offering intensive psychological and emotional support through group therapy sessions, individual counselling, psychotherapy, individual keyworker nursing sessions, dietary guidance and family therapy.

Outpatient eating disorder treatment at Nightingale Hospital

Although inpatient treatment can be the most effective treatment for those with a severe eating disorder, we understand that there are times when this type of care may not be feasible. In situations such as this, patients can be supported in an outpatient setting. Outpatient treatment is available through one-to-one consultations with consultant psychiatrists, therapists or dieticians specialising in eating disorders.

Day patient eating disorder treatment at Nightingale Hospital

Our eating disorder day therapy programme offers flexible treatment options that take into consideration patients’ usual daily responsibilities, such as working, family life or study.

Participation can be on a full or half-day basis.

Inpatient eating disorder treatment at Nightingale Hospital

Inpatient treatment can be very helpful in supporting a patient to start the process of recovery, especially if they are physically compromised, isolated and lack social support. It can also be highly appropriate for patients who find they need further support than outpatient or day therapy can provide.

It provides intensive 24-hour care with structured and supported eating coupled with an intensive daily therapy programme. It can be invaluable for patients who struggle to cope independently at home and find it difficult to challenge and manage their eating disorder behaviours alone.

Inpatient treatment can also be a huge source of emotional support and provide medical intervention for those whose low weight leaves them physically vulnerable. Patients are made to feel safe, nurtured and supported around the clock.

Specially trained eating disorder nursing staff are highly skilled in supporting patients who struggle to eat. Patients are carefully guided to recognise and challenge their use of maladaptive behaviours such as vomiting or exercise to manage their distress.

Our therapy programme consists typically of four therapy groups a day. These therapies provided are in line with NICE Guidelines and include a CBT-E group, an emotional regulation group, a body image group and a nutrition group. Our clinical team is made up of a dynamic range of therapists, all of whom are skilled in working in different modalities.

Eating disorder therapy treatment can include

Care plans also include meals with family members, aimed at rehabilitating a patient back into the home environment.

Family involvement

It is widely acknowledged that caring for a family member with an eating disorder can be profoundly stressful and distressing. In recognition of this, Nightingale Hospital offers a free fortnightly eating disorders carers’ evening for the families and carers of current eating disorder patients. This group is facilitated by experts in eating disorders.

Evidence shows that the inclusion of those closest to the patient in psycho-educational programmes may enhance the patients’ recovery. It is also important for carers to have a strategy for self-care to avoid becoming depleted themselves. Patients and their families can feel fully supported in the decisions they make about their care and the treatment delivered by Nightingale Hospital.

Why choose eating disorder treatment Nightingale Hospital

  • We are located in central London, with transport links across the country
  • We offer personalised support comprising of inpatient, outpatient, day patient, 1to1 therapy, group therapy, psychiatric care, family therapy and dietetics
  • We offer a boutique service which means patients benefit from intense support
  • Our eating disorders service has the benefit of being part of our general psychiatric hospital; which means we are expertly placed to manage patients who have comorbid illnesses
  • We can treat patients via the nasogastric route if necessary
  • Our programme is incredibly diverse, comprising of 1:1 sessions, traditional and compassionate CBT and more
  • We are able to treat patients with a BMI of 12 and above
  • Free family group to provide families education and a space to share with others

To understand the most suitable eating disorder treatment for your needs and personal circumstances our team would welcome your call. We have several eating disorder specialists here in London with a breadth of experience to match your situation. We establish successful patient/therapist partnerships and achieve the most effective therapeutic relationship due to this extensive expertise. We will take the time to understand your problem and individual needs.

Useful resources

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