Mental health support for your business

Find out how Nightingale Hospital can support your workplace and employees

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Mental health in the workplace

Whilst progress has been made by society to better understand mental health, and develop openness in discussing the subject; a stigma remains when discussing mental health problems within the workplace for many. Many employees report a deep feeling of unease in discussing their mental health difficulties with their employers, for fear of potential repercussions and judgement. In fact, according to research from Heads Together, only 2% of employees admitted they would feel comfortable speaking to their HR department about their mental health issues. It is generally accepted that it is much easier to have a conversation with management about a physical condition, for example, cancer, and the need for treatment; than it is to raise a discussion around one’s mental health.

Whilst many businesses and organisations are making positive advances in addressing and supporting the mental well-being of their staff, much still needs to be done.

Poor mental health consequences

Stress, anxiety, addictions, burnout and other work-related stress conditions contribute to a vast amount of workplace absence. Poor mental health issues can significantly impact companies and employees. In fact, it’s estimated that workplace absences cost the UK economy up to £35 billion annually, and is the leading cause of sickness absence in the UK, with 127 million hours of work lost in 2015 due to mental health-related absence – the equivalent of around 75,000 individuals losing the entire working year. (Heads Together)

Driving positive results through mental health support

By encouraging an organisational culture of openness and transparency when discussing mental health, employees will feel able to seek support when they need it. By providing effective mental health support, employers can retain valued employees, who they might otherwise lose. In addition, many employees once recovered and are back to work, remain very loyal to their employer.

Overall, by optimising employee mental health, organisations will reap the benefits of enhanced performance.

Nightingale Hospital offers tailored mental health interventions to benefit the overall well-being of your business and employees. Some of these are proactive interventions and some are reactive for when a mental health crisis or need for intervention occurs.

These include: