Frequently asked questions about treatment at the hospital

If you have any questions relating to treatments at our hospital that haven’t been answered here,  please do not hesitate to contact us.

I am an inpatient

If you would like to view your patient file, Nightingale Hospital will require a written request before we commence this process. Please forward your request to the attention of the Hospital Administrator. Please contact ward staff for the administrator’s details. As your files might be quite extensive, you can request for specific records if needed. We will then endeavour to collate and provide this to you as quickly as possible.
At the end of your treatment, we understand you may be experiencing many emotions. We strongly believe that our relationship with you does not end when you are discharged from inpatient care. Discharge planning will begin soon after your admission and will continue to be an integral part of your overall treatment plan between you and your clinical team. This is all to ensure your continued recovery and assist you as much as possible in adjusting back into your life after you leave the hospital. Ahead of your discharge, a tailored aftercare plan will be produced for you that may involve:
  • Regular reviews with your consultant
  • Day therapy
  • 1:1 therapy
  • Attending Nightingale’s free weekly aftercare group
  • Family therapy
  • Dietetic support (if required)

Aftercare at Nightingale Hospital

To help with the transition from an inpatient to life outside the hospital, we provide free groups for one year following the conclusion of your inpatient treatment and/or day therapy programmes. Existing aftercare members are incredibly friendly and welcoming of new faces. It can be very useful to people resuming their everyday activities and responsibilities, such as work and socialising, to get support from other members who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. Attendance is open to all patients, who have been discharged from inpatient or day-patient therapy at Nightingale within the last year. You do not need to contact us to confirm your attendance, and you may still attend if you are not able to stay for the entire duration of the group. More information on aftercare groups will be provided throughout your stay.
We graciously welcome compliments about our service and the care you have received at the hospital. Nightingale Hospital is committed to fostering a caring and supportive environment for all our patients and would like to hear more from you. Additionally, we have an internal campaign called ‘Your Story is Powerful’. By sharing your story, you are helping us tackle the stigma around mental health, and inspire others that are seeking treatment for a variety of conditions. If you wish to pass on a compliment or are interested in learning more about our ‘Your Story is Powerful’ campaign, please fill in the form and our marketing department will get in touch with you. Your story will be shared on our website and on social media. It can be named, anonymous, and also removed upon request at any point. To view the terms and conditions of using our website, please click here.
Breakfast Monday – Saturday: 8:00am – 9:00am Sundays and UK Bank Holidays: 8:30am - 9:30am  
Lunch Monday – Sunday: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Dinner Monday – Sunday: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
The hospital has separate wards for general psychiatry, eating disorders and addiction treatment. Some of our wards are ‘same-sex’ and based on your condition, and any issues identified in your admission process, you may be placed on a same-sex ward.
Located in Marylebone, we are situated in the heart of London with easy transport links. We are a convenient two-minute walk from Marylebone mainline and Underground station and within a 10-minute walk of Baker Street and Edgware Road Underground Stations. Major train stations such as Paddington, King’s Cross, St Pancras and Euston stations are all within easy reach of the hospital.
Within the hospital, there will be patients who are informal and some who are detained under the Mental Health Act (MHA).
  • Informal patients make up the majority of patients at nightingale hospital. An informal patient is a patient who is admitted voluntarily and is free to come and go from the hospital.
  • Sectioned patients are admitted to the hospital under the MHA and are unable to leave the hospital, without the approval of your consultant.
If you are an informal patient, you are legally allowed to leave the hospital whenever you please. However, as you have chosen to be in treatment with us, we expect you to discuss any intentions to leave the hospital with the clinical team, so they can be aware of your coming and goings. Your request will also be promptly verified between reception and the ward before you are allowed out of the hospital. Once you return to the hospital and onto the ward, you may be asked to have your bag checked for prohibited items. This is done purely to protect the safety of yourself, and the rest of the hospital.
We prefer that you don’t bring highly valuable items or significant amounts of cash into the hospital. However, there is a safe located in the Patient Services Team office where you are able to store and access money during 9:00 am – 4:30 pm from Monday through to Friday. Please note that Nightingale Hospital does not take any responsibility for loss or theft of personal belongings. We also strongly advise that patients do not loan money to one another throughout their stay.
To protect the safety of all patients, staff and visitors, Nightingale Hospital considers some items as contraband. These items are strictly prohibited and are not allowed to be brought into the building.

Prohibited items include:

  • Alcohol and illicit substances (including alcohol-based substances, such as mouthwash)
  • Weapons or imitations
  • Corrosive/flammable items including aerosols (including aerosol deodorant, patients are asked to bring a roll-on alternative)
  • Sharp items such as knives, razors or scissors
  • Needles or injecting devices (if injecting devices are for medical purposes, i.e. insulin, please make staff aware)
  • Glass objects e.g. mirrors. bottles
  • Plastic bags of any kind (each ward has large sturdy paper bags available for patients if they require bags)
  • Pornographic material
  • Metal items e.g. coat hangers
  • Adhesives e.g. glue or masking tape
  • Office supplies e.g. metal binder notebooks, tape
  • Chewing gum
  • Mobile phones are allowed, however, photographing/filming inside the hospital is strictly prohibited, to ensure the confidentiality and safety of fellow patients.
Additionally, some items are restricted. All restricted items must undergo a risk assessment and may be removed by staff if deemed unsafe.

Restricted items include:

  • Aerosols e.g. deodorant
  • Medicines or herbal remedies (medicines of any kind must be handed to staff during admission)
  • Chargers, wires or long cords
  • Animals (other than certified and approved service dogs)
  • Umbrellas
  • Steel combs and manicure kits
  • Canned items
  • Electrical items
  • Detergents and chemical products
Please note this list is not exhaustive. All illegal substances found will be removed and destroyed. If you are found in possession of any illegal or prohibited substance, police may be notified in accordance with legal requirements. Please view our prohibited items list here. 
At Nightingale Hospital, we’re committed to delivering first-class care in a safe and nurturing environment. In order to provide the best possible assistance, we welcome all feedback and concerns, to ensure we are continually improving our services. If you have concerns about your treatment or that of a loved one, please ask to speak to the staff member in charge of the department in question. By raising an issue immediately, it allows the hospital to take swift action and rectify issues where possible, as soon as possible. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can raise your complaint with the Compliance Manager who will conduct an investigation. A full response will be sent to you within 20-working days unless the investigation is still in progress, in which case a letter will be sent to you explaining the reason for the delay. In the unlikely event that you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact:
Mariam Benjamin
Compliance & Quality Manager
Email: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7535 7726
We can assure you, your concerns will be addressed with understanding, compassion, patience and with the ultimate goal of achieving a positive outcome. Our complaints process complies with the Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS).  
Inpatient treatment offers an intensive treatment program with 24-hour care at a live-in facility. Nightingale Hospital London has three specialist mental health inpatient units for adults, General Psychiatry, Addictions, Eating Disorders and a specific one for Adolescents. Each unit has a team of nurses and a ward doctor who work alongside our consultant psychiatrists and therapists.
We recommend that you bring the following items with you to make your stay as comfortable as possible:
  • Comfortable clothing for day wear
  • Footwear that is comfortable and appropriate
  • Appropriate nightwear such as pyjamas (including slippers)
  • Appropriate exercise attire for the hospital gymnasium (including trainers)
  • Any personal belongings that may support your recoveries, such as photos or reading materials
  • Any medication you are currently taking
  • Personal hygiene products/toiletries
For any questions regarding what you can bring into the hospital for your stay, please contact our Patient Services Team.
Depending on the time of your arrival, you will either be greeted by a member of our Patient Services Team or by a nurse on your ward. Following this, you will be taken to your room, before being taken on a tour of the ward, introduced to the wider nursing team and given an overview of the hospital. A nurse will then undertake an initial nursing and risk assessment. You will also be seen by the ward doctor, who will conduct a current mental state and physical examination. Depending on your condition, the ward doctor will take blood tests, and they may also carry out an ECG if required. Your consultant psychiatrist, nurse and doctor will collaborate with you to agree your level of risk and formulate a care plan. In the interest of your safety, nurses will continue to complete regular assessments throughout your stay to identify any risk factors that may affect you. If a specific issue or risk is identified in your assessments, we may ask you to consent to searches of your room and property, or a body scan using a metal detector at any time during your stay.

Inpatient therapy

Inpatient therapy is dependent on specialism and can vary based on your needs.

Day patient therapy

Day patient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can start from £300 for half-day treatment, £500 for full-day treatment and £180 per individual group.

Outpatient therapy

Outpatient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can vary from £145 per 50-minute session. Nightingale Hospital consultants are private practitioners and have their own fee structures. We are covered by all major private health insurers and our team will be able to work with you and your consultant psychiatrist to submit cover requests for inpatient, day therapy or outpatient treatment. For detailed information on pricing, please contact us to speak to a member of our Patient Services Team. Private medical insurance coverage for Nightingale Hospital

I am a day patient

If you would like to view your patient file, Nightingale Hospital will require a written request before we commence this process. Please forward your request to the attention of the Hospital Administrator. Please contact ward staff for the administrator’s details. As your files might be quite extensive, you can request for specific records if needed. We will then endeavour to collate and provide this to you as quickly as possible.
Day therapy often bridges the gap between outpatient therapy and inpatient care. It can help prevent hospitalisation, promote recovery, and improve quality of life for individuals with chronic or severe mental health conditions.
  • Supportive environment: Day therapy provides you with a safe, supportive environment to work on mental health concerns with the help of qualified mental health professionals.
  • Flexibility: It allows you to live at home and maintain their regular routines while still receiving intensive treatment.
  • Social connection: Group therapy provides a sense of community and shared experience, which can be helpful for those who feel isolated due to their mental health struggles.
Day therapy takes place in the Bell Street Outpatient Therapy Centre. Address: 100 Bell Street, London NW1 6SL
Day therapy is solely compromised of group therapy sessions. Some have found it beneficial to have individual sessions alongside the group programme. There would be a separate fee for this.  For more information on how to customise your group therapy programme, please contact  
A Nightingale Hospital consultant psychiatrist can refer you to the programme. You will need to remain under the care of your consultant psychiatrist whilst in the programme. If you need information on how to see a consultant psychiatrist, please contact us.
In our general psychiatry programme, we recommend a minimum of two half days of attendance per week for there to be some therapeutic value. For our DBT, OCD, eating disorders and addictions programmes, attendance is pre-determined.
When initially commencing the programme, we do recommend attending for five full days for the first two weeks. This is to ensure you gain the maximum therapeutic benefit of the carefully designed programme. Following this, you are able to reduce the frequency of days you attend.
The recommended attendance in the day programme will depend on what programme you are referred to.
  • For the general psychiatry programme, attendance can be up to three days per week
  • For the addictions programme, attendance can be up to four days per week
  • For the eating disorders programme, attendance can be up to five days per week
  • The OCD programme is designed as a two-day per week programme
  • The DBT programme is designed as a one-day per week programme
The group programme is designed as a short-term intensive treatment approach. Taking a break is not recommended as this could limit the therapeutic benefit from being in the programme.
A member of our day therapy team will arrange a free assessment session with you. The assessment session will look at if group therapy is suitable for you, which groups will be helpful and how long your programme would last. The timetable, groups and different types of therapy being delivered will also be explained.
The length of day therapy will depend on what programme you are referred to, what other treatment you are receiving or have received and what your goals for treatment are. The duration of day therapy treatment will be discussed with you during your free assessment.
  • For the general psychiatry, addictions and eating disorders programmes, they are typically between two and eight weeks long
  • The OCD programme is a six-week programme
  • The DBT programme is a 20-week programme
We graciously welcome compliments about our service and the care you have received at the hospital. Nightingale Hospital is committed to fostering a caring and supportive environment for all our patients and would like to hear more from you. Additionally, we have an internal campaign called ‘Your Story is Powerful’. By sharing your story, you are helping us tackle the stigma around mental health, and inspire others that are seeking treatment for a variety of conditions. If you wish to pass on a compliment or are interested in learning more about our ‘Your Story is Powerful’ campaign, please fill in the form and our marketing department will get in touch with you. Your story will be shared on our website and on social media. It can be named, anonymous, and also removed upon request at any point. To view the terms and conditions of using our website, please click here.
Breakfast Monday – Saturday: 8:00am – 9:00am Sundays and UK Bank Holidays: 8:30am - 9:30am  
Lunch Monday – Sunday: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Dinner Monday – Sunday: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Located in Marylebone, we are situated in the heart of London with easy transport links. We are a convenient two-minute walk from Marylebone mainline and Underground station and within a 10-minute walk of Baker Street and Edgware Road Underground Stations. Major train stations such as Paddington, King’s Cross, St Pancras and Euston stations are all within easy reach of the hospital.
To protect the safety of all patients, staff and visitors, Nightingale Hospital considers some items as contraband. These items are strictly prohibited and are not allowed to be brought into the building.

Prohibited items include:

  • Alcohol and illicit substances (including alcohol-based substances, such as mouthwash)
  • Weapons or imitations
  • Corrosive/flammable items including aerosols (including aerosol deodorant, patients are asked to bring a roll-on alternative)
  • Sharp items such as knives, razors or scissors
  • Needles or injecting devices (if injecting devices are for medical purposes, i.e. insulin, please make staff aware)
  • Glass objects e.g. mirrors. bottles
  • Plastic bags of any kind (each ward has large sturdy paper bags available for patients if they require bags)
  • Pornographic material
  • Metal items e.g. coat hangers
  • Adhesives e.g. glue or masking tape
  • Office supplies e.g. metal binder notebooks, tape
  • Chewing gum
  • Mobile phones are allowed, however, photographing/filming inside the hospital is strictly prohibited, to ensure the confidentiality and safety of fellow patients.
Additionally, some items are restricted. All restricted items must undergo a risk assessment and may be removed by staff if deemed unsafe.

Restricted items include:

  • Aerosols e.g. deodorant
  • Medicines or herbal remedies (medicines of any kind must be handed to staff during admission)
  • Chargers, wires or long cords
  • Animals (other than certified and approved service dogs)
  • Umbrellas
  • Steel combs and manicure kits
  • Canned items
  • Electrical items
  • Detergents and chemical products
Please note this list is not exhaustive. All illegal substances found will be removed and destroyed. If you are found in possession of any illegal or prohibited substance, police may be notified in accordance with legal requirements. Please view our prohibited items list here. 
At Nightingale Hospital, we’re committed to delivering first-class care in a safe and nurturing environment. In order to provide the best possible assistance, we welcome all feedback and concerns, to ensure we are continually improving our services. If you have concerns about your treatment or that of a loved one, please ask to speak to the staff member in charge of the department in question. By raising an issue immediately, it allows the hospital to take swift action and rectify issues where possible, as soon as possible. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can raise your complaint with the Compliance Manager who will conduct an investigation. A full response will be sent to you within 20-working days unless the investigation is still in progress, in which case a letter will be sent to you explaining the reason for the delay. In the unlikely event that you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact:
Mariam Benjamin
Compliance & Quality Manager
Email: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7535 7726
We can assure you, your concerns will be addressed with understanding, compassion, patience and with the ultimate goal of achieving a positive outcome. Our complaints process complies with the Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS).  
If you would like to see a therapist for individual therapy sessions, please discuss this with your consultant psychiatrist who can refer you directly to the therapy department. Alternatively, please contact our Outpatient Therapy Team on to self-refer.  They will take all your details, obtain your referral letter (if you have one), and assign you to a suitable therapist based on your individual needs. Then, your therapist will contact you to arrange your initial appointment.
Day therapy at Nightingale Hospital consists of structured mental health treatments that provide therapeutic input during the day, allowing you to return to your home and normal responsibilities in the evening. These programmes are typically designed for people who need more intensive support than outpatient therapy but do not require 24-hour care, as in inpatient hospitalisation. Day therapy can be beneficial for individuals dealing with a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, emotion dysregulation, eating disorders, and substance use disorders. The programmes generally involve a combination of different therapeutic styles, such as:
  • Group therapy: Facilitated sessions where participants can share experiences and learn from one another in a supportive environment.
  • Psychoeducation: Teaching individuals about their mental health condition, coping strategies, and skills for managing stress and emotions.
  • Skills training: Programmes may include training in problem-solving, emotional regulation, communication, and coping skills.

Inpatient therapy

Inpatient therapy is dependent on specialism and can vary based on your needs.

Day patient therapy

Day patient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can start from £300 for half-day treatment, £500 for full-day treatment and £180 per individual group.

Outpatient therapy

Outpatient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can vary from £145 per 50-minute session. Nightingale Hospital consultants are private practitioners and have their own fee structures. We are covered by all major private health insurers and our team will be able to work with you and your consultant psychiatrist to submit cover requests for inpatient, day therapy or outpatient treatment. For detailed information on pricing, please contact us to speak to a member of our Patient Services Team. Private medical insurance coverage for Nightingale Hospital

I am an outpatient

rTMS treatment is not suitable for the following:
  • If you have a co-morbid neurological disorder, history of epilepsy and/or neurosurgery
  • If you have metal plates in the head/brain, presence of pacemakers or other electronic implants, inner-ear implants, metal or magnetic objects in the brain and medication pumps. (Standard amalgam dental fillings do not pose an issue)
  • Patients below 18 years of age
We graciously welcome compliments about our service and the care you have received at the hospital. Nightingale Hospital is committed to fostering a caring and supportive environment for all our patients and would like to hear more from you. Additionally, we have an internal campaign called ‘Your Story is Powerful’. By sharing your story, you are helping us tackle the stigma around mental health, and inspire others that are seeking treatment for a variety of conditions. If you wish to pass on a compliment or are interested in learning more about our ‘Your Story is Powerful’ campaign, please fill in the form and our marketing department will get in touch with you. Your story will be shared on our website and on social media. It can be named, anonymous, and also removed upon request at any point. To view the terms and conditions of using our website, please click here.
Located in Marylebone, we are situated in the heart of London with easy transport links. We are a convenient two-minute walk from Marylebone mainline and Underground station and within a 10-minute walk of Baker Street and Edgware Road Underground Stations. Major train stations such as Paddington, King’s Cross, St Pancras and Euston stations are all within easy reach of the hospital.
If you are an outpatient, please email or call +44 020 7535 7700. Please have your invoice number ready.
Nightingale Hospital offers outpatient appointments between 8 am and 9 pm Monday to Friday and 9 am and 2 pm on Saturdays, from convenient and discreet London locations.

Edward House outpatient centre

Located next to our main hospital is 'Edward House' - Nightingale Hospital's discreet outpatient centre. It is here where our consultants have outpatient appointments with patients. It is located a few minutes’ walks from Marylebone, Edgware Road and Baker Street stations. 7 Lisson Grove London NW1 6SH

Bell Street therapy centre

Located on Bell Street, next to the hospital on Lisson Grove is our Bell Street therapy centre. The discreet location has over twenty modern and comfortable therapy rooms.  It is located a few minutes’ walks from Marylebone, Edgware Road and Baker Street stations. 100 Bell Street London NW1 6SL

Token House therapy centre

Our Token House therapy centre is discreetly located in the centre of London. It is located behind the Bank of England, a few minutes’ walk from Bank, Moorgate and Liverpool Street stations. 11-12 Token House Yard London EC2R 7AS
At Nightingale Hospital, we’re committed to delivering first-class care in a safe and nurturing environment. In order to provide the best possible assistance, we welcome all feedback and concerns, to ensure we are continually improving our services. If you have concerns about your treatment or that of a loved one, please ask to speak to the staff member in charge of the department in question. By raising an issue immediately, it allows the hospital to take swift action and rectify issues where possible, as soon as possible. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can raise your complaint with the Compliance Manager who will conduct an investigation. A full response will be sent to you within 20-working days unless the investigation is still in progress, in which case a letter will be sent to you explaining the reason for the delay. In the unlikely event that you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact:
Mariam Benjamin
Compliance & Quality Manager
Email: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7535 7726
We can assure you, your concerns will be addressed with understanding, compassion, patience and with the ultimate goal of achieving a positive outcome. Our complaints process complies with the Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS).  
Outpatient treatment involves one-to-one appointments with a consultant psychiatrist, psychologist or therapist. Outpatient therapy sessions last 50 minutes and usually take place once a week.

Inpatient therapy

Inpatient therapy is dependent on specialism and can vary based on your needs.

Day patient therapy

Day patient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can start from £300 for half-day treatment, £500 for full-day treatment and £180 per individual group.

Outpatient therapy

Outpatient therapy cost is dependent on specialism and can vary from £145 per 50-minute session. Nightingale Hospital consultants are private practitioners and have their own fee structures. We are covered by all major private health insurers and our team will be able to work with you and your consultant psychiatrist to submit cover requests for inpatient, day therapy or outpatient treatment. For detailed information on pricing, please contact us to speak to a member of our Patient Services Team. Private medical insurance coverage for Nightingale Hospital

rTMS treatment at Nightingale Hospital

In 2014, Nightingale (in partnership with MagnaCentre) was the first private hospital in the UK to pioneer rTMS treatment. Since then, we have been the most experienced provider of rTMS treatment in the UK, delivered by our expert and internationally experienced practitioner team. Not only were we the first private hospital in the UK to deliver rTMS treatment, but we were also the first private hospital in the UK to offer rTMS using a BrainsWay H-coil. rTMS is typically delivered using a figure-8 shaped coil. The standard figure-8 coil uses a highly focused magnetic field. This type of coil has limitations when it comes to accurately target the specific sections of the brain which are impacted in depression and OCD. By contrast, H-coils supply a wider field and are designed to stimulate the key brain regions more consistently. H-coils also induce an effective field at a depth of approximately 3cm below the skull, compared to less than 1.5cm for the standard figure-8 coil. It has been suggested that the deeper and wider penetration provided by H-coils accounts for the superior response rate and greater reduction of depression severity reported in the first head-to-head trial between the H-Coil and figure-8 coil published in 2019.
rTMS treatment starts from £185 per session*. Most private medical insurers review applications to fund rTMS treatment on a case-by-case basis. Please contact your insurance provider to assess your eligibility. The hospital requires an insurers authorisation before treatment can commence. *Prices for treatment vary based on the mental health condition. For detailed billing information, please contact: Email: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7535 7803
Consultant psychiatrists, GPs and health professionals can all refer patients for rTMS at Nightingale Hospital. All patients will need to be under the care of a Nightingale psychiatrist for the duration of rTMS treatment. The referring psychiatrist or GP will receive regular updates on a patient’s progress including HDRS scores upon the commencement of treatment and at discharge.
rTMS treatment is not suitable for the following:
  • If you have a co-morbid neurological disorder, history of epilepsy and/or neurosurgery
  • If you have metal plates in the head/brain, presence of pacemakers or other electronic implants, inner-ear implants, metal or magnetic objects in the brain and medication pumps. (Standard amalgam dental fillings do not pose an issue)
  • Patients below 18 years of age
rTMS is generally well tolerated by most patients but can cause some minor short-term side effects including:
  • Headaches
  • Scalp discomfort at the site of stimulation
  • Tingling, spasms or twitching of facial muscles
  • Light-headedness
  • Discomfort from noise during treatment
Typically, you will hear a noise and feel a tapping sensation on the head area during the session. To diminish the sound, you will be provided earplugs if you wish. The entire rTMS session will last approximately 20-minutes, after which you will be able to resume your day without any disruption.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive method of brain stimulation.

The basic principle of rTMS is to target short magnetic pulses over the scalp in specific brain regions that regulate mood.

rTMS is a medically safe treatment that has been evidenced to significantly decrease symptoms of depression and OCD.

Find out more or request our brochure by contacting  

I am a family member or loved one

We graciously welcome compliments about our service and the care you have received at the hospital. Nightingale Hospital is committed to fostering a caring and supportive environment for all our patients and would like to hear more from you. Additionally, we have an internal campaign called ‘Your Story is Powerful’. By sharing your story, you are helping us tackle the stigma around mental health, and inspire others that are seeking treatment for a variety of conditions. If you wish to pass on a compliment or are interested in learning more about our ‘Your Story is Powerful’ campaign, please fill in the form and our marketing department will get in touch with you. Your story will be shared on our website and on social media. It can be named, anonymous, and also removed upon request at any point. To view the terms and conditions of using our website, please click here.
If you are loved one of a patient wishing to stay nearby, there are a large number of hotels close to Nightingale Hospital to suit all budgets and tastes. The budget hotel chain, Travel Lodge, has a hotel a two-minute walk from the hospital. For those seeking luxury accommodation, the five-star Landmark Hotel is also a few minutes walk from the hospital.

A wide selection of accommodation is available close to the hospital, and we advise searching on established search engines, such as Expedia or for availability.

Breakfast Monday – Saturday: 8:00am – 9:00am Sundays and UK Bank Holidays: 8:30am - 9:30am  
Lunch Monday – Sunday: 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Dinner Monday – Sunday: 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Located in Marylebone, we are situated in the heart of London with easy transport links. We are a convenient two-minute walk from Marylebone mainline and Underground station and within a 10-minute walk of Baker Street and Edgware Road Underground Stations. Major train stations such as Paddington, King’s Cross, St Pancras and Euston stations are all within easy reach of the hospital.
To protect the safety of all patients, staff and visitors, Nightingale Hospital considers some items as contraband. These items are strictly prohibited and are not allowed to be brought into the building.

Prohibited items include:

  • Alcohol and illicit substances (including alcohol-based substances, such as mouthwash)
  • Weapons or imitations
  • Corrosive/flammable items including aerosols (including aerosol deodorant, patients are asked to bring a roll-on alternative)
  • Sharp items such as knives, razors or scissors
  • Needles or injecting devices (if injecting devices are for medical purposes, i.e. insulin, please make staff aware)
  • Glass objects e.g. mirrors. bottles
  • Plastic bags of any kind (each ward has large sturdy paper bags available for patients if they require bags)
  • Pornographic material
  • Metal items e.g. coat hangers
  • Adhesives e.g. glue or masking tape
  • Office supplies e.g. metal binder notebooks, tape
  • Chewing gum
  • Mobile phones are allowed, however, photographing/filming inside the hospital is strictly prohibited, to ensure the confidentiality and safety of fellow patients.
Additionally, some items are restricted. All restricted items must undergo a risk assessment and may be removed by staff if deemed unsafe.

Restricted items include:

  • Aerosols e.g. deodorant
  • Medicines or herbal remedies (medicines of any kind must be handed to staff during admission)
  • Chargers, wires or long cords
  • Animals (other than certified and approved service dogs)
  • Umbrellas
  • Steel combs and manicure kits
  • Canned items
  • Electrical items
  • Detergents and chemical products
Please note this list is not exhaustive. All illegal substances found will be removed and destroyed. If you are found in possession of any illegal or prohibited substance, police may be notified in accordance with legal requirements. Please view our prohibited items list here. 
  • Listen to their problems and worries, without any judgement
  • Encourage them to partake in an activity they enjoy
  • Ensure they are taking care of themselves, through exercising, keeping a routine, eating well and getting enough sleep
  • Encourage them to visit their doctor, perhaps offer to go with them for support
  • If you are concerned about their depression, prompt them to get expert assistance
  • Try to be patient with them
  • Encourage them to seek professional support. The earlier someone gets treatment for an eating disorder, the more likely they will be to recover
  • Do not blame, judge or shame them
  • Educate yourself about eating disorders from reliable sources, such as Beat
  • Avoid discussing food, weight, body image or diet in front of them
  • Ask your loved one how they are feeling, try and encourage an open dialogue rather than assuming or avoiding the issue
  • Recognise that you are not to blame
  • Encourage them to seek professional support. The earlier a person gets help for their issues, the better
  • Do not ignore the problem
  • Do not blame them, or yourself
  • Educate yourself about addiction, using reliable resources
  • Do not make excuses for their behaviour
  • Do not enable them. Common ways of enabling include paying the person's bills, giving them money, lying for them and covering up their behaviour
  • Encourage healthy behaviours
  • Do not give up on them, recovery is possible
  • Take care of yourself. Loving and caring for someone with an addiction can be physically, mentally and emotionally draining
At Nightingale Hospital, we’re committed to delivering first-class care in a safe and nurturing environment. In order to provide the best possible assistance, we welcome all feedback and concerns, to ensure we are continually improving our services. If you have concerns about your treatment or that of a loved one, please ask to speak to the staff member in charge of the department in question. By raising an issue immediately, it allows the hospital to take swift action and rectify issues where possible, as soon as possible. If you feel that your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you can raise your complaint with the Compliance Manager who will conduct an investigation. A full response will be sent to you within 20-working days unless the investigation is still in progress, in which case a letter will be sent to you explaining the reason for the delay. In the unlikely event that you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact:
Mariam Benjamin
Compliance & Quality Manager
Email: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7535 7726
We can assure you, your concerns will be addressed with understanding, compassion, patience and with the ultimate goal of achieving a positive outcome. Our complaints process complies with the Independent Healthcare Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS).  

Inpatient visiting information

  • Prior to visiting, all visitors should call the ward they are planning to visit. Please confirm the name of the person you wish to visit and the time.
  • Please be advised that patients can only have a maximum of two visitors at any one time.
  • Upon arrival, visitors will be asked for their full name and the name of the inpatient they are visiting.
  • Visitors will be issued a lanyard and a visitor’s pass, which will need to be worn and remain visible for the entirety of their visit. Staff will ask for this to be returned upon departure.
  • Please note that access to other areas (i.e., outside courtyard, dining room, ward kitchens, lounges, smoking areas, and other patient bedrooms) will not be permitted during visits.
  • Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms should not visit Nightingale Hospital.
  • For the safety of all patients, staff, and visitors, we would like to remind you that there are prohibited items that cannot be brought into the building (for example drugs, alcohol, scissors, plastic bags, glass bottles, and pornography). Please click here for the detailed list of restricted items. There will be a prohibited items list on each ward, as well as in reception.
  • Depending on your loved one's risk assessment and agreed management plan, some visits may be supervised. If this is the case, you will be given advance notice.

Visiting times

As group therapy is such a valuable part of your loved one's treatment plan, we ask that visitors be mindful of the visiting hours below.

Main hospital

Monday – Friday 5:00pm to 9:00pm Saturday – Sunday 2:00pm to 9:00pm

Eating disorders unit

Monday – Friday 7:00pm to 9:00pm Saturday – Sunday Visiting times are at the discretion of the unit as visits should not interfere with any weekend scheduled groups

Addictions unit

Please refer to the Addiction unit (ADU) 28-day rehabilitation and detox programme: Patient contract and regulations for information regarding visitors to the addictions unit.
  • Visits to patients on the ADU will take place during a prescribed 4-hour window on a weekend. Please refer to the ward timetable or speak with the nursing staff for this specific time.
We offer a variety of free support groups for family members and carers based on the inpatient and day-patient unit to which your family member is admitted. These groups are facilitated by experts in their respective fields.
  • Monthly General Psychiatry Family Morning
  • Monthly Addiction Family Day
  • Weekly Evening Addiction Family Support Group
  • Fortnightly Eating Disorders Carers’ Evening
  • Fortnightly Child and Adolescent Family Evening Group
More information about family and carers support group.