Depression is a blight that leaves few families untouched. There are many causes, for which medication might not be the right answer.

  • Hot weather can cause a hormonal imbalance
  • The pill can cause mood changes
  • Comfort food can cause a sugar crash
  • Street lights can have a negative effect on the brain
  • Tea and coffee late at night can cause poor sleep leading to feelings of depression
  • Blood pressure pills such as beta-blockers have been linked with depression
  • Cigarettes cause only short relief from anxiety and stress
  • Overactive thyroid can produce too many hormones and can leave people irritable
  • The internet can exhaust the brain
  • Vegetarian diet with a lack of fatty acids can increase the risk of depression
  • Procrastinating can leave a feeling of lack of control
  • Atkins diet with no carbohydrates means the level of serotonin (‘feel good’ chemical) is reduced causing low mood
  • Cosmetic surgery has caused depression couple of years after surgery

These are a sample of causes of depression so if you would like to find out more about depression and treatments for depression please get in contact.

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“When you have a problem and you drink, take drugs or gamble, the problem won’t go away. Stay and tackle the problem”