Yahoo News – 11 August 2015 –Take the vapors: Londoners buzz over breathable booze
Britons are buzzing over a temporary entry in the capital’s already saturated drinking scene: breathable booze.
The pop-up bar, Alcoholic Architecture, uses a humidifier to pump a gin and tonic vapor into an enclosed space. Patrons absorb their alcohol from the “Cloud” by breathing in the vapors and by soaking it in through the skin and eyes.
Dr. William Shanahan, a consultant psychiatrist at Nightingale Hospital, which specializes in addictions and mental disorders, called the method “a gimmick.”
“The alcohol avoids first pass metabolism in the liver and goes directly to the brain, which makes it much more intoxicating and the intoxication is very rapid,” he said. “This has the potential to cause serious side effects as well as brain damage in the developing young brain.”
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