“I wanted to share a kinda story I made about recovery.

I was ill with anorexia from the age 11 and when I was 13 I went into the children’s ward* at Nightingale Hospital. It basically saved my life and I am so thankful for it. I am honestly so grateful for the hospital and all the staff.

Here’s the story I wrote to hopefully inspire people.”

*Nightingale Hospital no longer has a young persons ward


Recovery doesn’t have a destination, I don’t think it ever will.

Recovery has a direction ⬆️ but you will sometimes trip over your laces.

And even when you get over one mountain, ???? in the distance there’s another one ⛰ ( with less snow and wind ????) .

I’m nearly at the bottom of the other side of the snowiest, windiest, coldest mountain. ????

But I can see a smaller one in front of me, and with my 20/20 vision I can see a few rocks on the other side of that one.

I’m determined to climb these mountains and I accept that I’ll trip or fall of the edge (don’t worry guys we’ve got a net that catches us ????????).

EVERYONE will at one point fall into the net a few times… but most manage to get back to where they left off… with  more muscle strength to climb over the mountain.

As they get stronger the mountain becomes easier to climb!

Submitted by Susannah Ward


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