I first sought help from my consultant in June 2012. I was already on the downward slope with increasingly uncontrollable panic attacks, depression and anxiety. By 11th July I was at the bottom of the pit and my consultant admitted me – for a short stay – to Nightingale Hospital. My medication was altered and I was encouraged to find myself and to take advantage of the therapies offered when I was ready to do so.

I have always been personally quite inpatient and even in my downward situation, I felt the need very quickly to immerse myself in the activities of a therapeutic nature that the hospital had available. I opted for CBT rather than IPT or a mixture of both because I felt I wanted the tools to deal with the crippling symptoms of depression and anxiety that I had had to face.

It was a very peculiar feeling to know that I was resident in a psychiatric hospital but the stay treated me with unfailing compassion and generosity of spirit. I had been through a very rough and bruising chapter in my work life – but the healing and kindly treatment that I received in the hospital rapidly restarted me.

After initial scepticism on my part – I am a lawyer after all and a questioning approach is part of my intellectual DNA!  I rapidly embraced the spirit of CBT and began to believe that I would recover – as my consultant always said I would.

I still have a distance to travel on my road to recovery but I felt that both the inpatient care and Day Therapy at the hospital were of such a high standard of professionalism and infused with humanity and compassion that they have given me the strength and resilience to face up to the challenges ahead.

I met some lovely people in the hospital – therapists, nurses, administrators, patients, trainers and instructors – and we all pulled together through the choppy seas.

On 11th July, I thought I had reached my end. Now, just over little more than one month later I feel in a much better and more hopeful place. Without the support of all the good people encountered at the hospital, I would not have made it.

Thank you to all my friends at Nightingale Hospital! Good luck with all your future work.

With best wishes


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