Grazia – 28 July 2015 – 10 Hot Healthy Ways To… Have A Technology Detox

Does the thought of being without Twitter give you #anxiety? Can’t eat anything without filtering it first? Have you considered putting your Candy Crush score on your CV? You could be in need of a tech detox. We spoke to Dr Richard Graham to learn how to switch off without missing out…

Grazia Daily: Please tell us who you are and what you do?

Richard Graham: “I’m Dr Richard Graham, consultant psychiatrist at Nightingale Hospital, specialising in adolescents and technology addiction.”

GD: What would you classify as ‘too much’ screen time?

RG: “When people feel an uncomfortable sense of withdrawal when not online, we know that the relationship with technology is not being managed properly. The Nightingale Hospital has an online test that assesses the extent of one’s relationship with technology addiction – taking this test is an important first step in ascertaining whether technology use is abnormal or problematic…”

Full article available here.

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