Grazia – 29th August 2016 – The Shocking Rise of the Wine:1 Diet
Following a new report on the rise of ‘drunkorexia’ – swapping meals in favour of alcohol – Polly Dunbar reports on the women who are pursuing the extreme Wine:1 diet…
“I see women who save up their calories by eating one meal a day and use them on alcohol,” says Dr Joanna Silver, Counselling Psychologist at Nightingale Hospital. “They’re trying to control their weight, and often they also like the feeling of getting drunk on an empty stomach. It’s an unhealthy approach to both food and alcohol because it encourages a cycle of bingeing and restricting. As alcohol has no nutritional value, it means women aren’t getting what the body needs.”
Many believe it’s a trend fuelled by the confusing messages we receive from social media. On the one hand, we’re bombarded with images of gorgeous food bloggers extolling the virtues of ‘clean’ eating, and it’s never been easier to track calorie intake via diet and fitness apps. On the other hand, endless Instagram pictures of friends #loving life with an Aperol spritz in hand encourages us to embrace a party lifestyle.
The charity Drinkaware warns that while being aware of the calories in alcohol is positive – as many people don’t realise how high its calorie content is – swapping food for wine can turn into a ‘dangerous obsession’.
Full article not available online