It is estimated that 30% of the British population suffer from a sleep problem.

How to sleep tips:

  • Take regular breaks during the day to renew energy levels
  • Have a bedtime routine to give your body a chance to wind down
  • Manage work/home boundaries – compose the to do list before leaving work so you can switch off
  • Regular exercise – 3 sessions of 20 to 30 minutes per week
  • Minimise caffeine and alcohol
  • If you wake during the night, don’t look at the clock – breath and relax your body from head to toe
  • Power nap for 5 to 15 minutes when possible
  • Clear you sleeping space from clutter and technology!
  • Don’t pressure yourself about sleep
  • Check your nutrition – vitamin B and tryptophan found in chicken, cheese, tofu, tuna, eggs, nuts, seeds and milks helps balance sleep hormones

Dr Nerina Ramlakan in the Times says “There is a strong link between safety and sleep and we sleep when we feel safe in ourselves – whether that’s because we’ve emptied our inbox or we’ve got good food in the fridge or a job to go to in the morning. In the past 2 years I’ve seen the impact of lack of security on sleep.”

Dr Nerina Ramlakhan is Nightingale Hospital’s Lead Sleep Therapist. Find out more about sleep problems and Sleep Therapy.

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